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Marvin Park Primary School Emblem Colour 2 (1) (1).jpg
Principal's Welcome,


Welcome to Marvin Park Primary School.

Marvin Park Primary School has a proud history of providing balanced, quality Education (academics, sport and culture). Every learner who has attended this school since 1978 has been able to grow and excel within a warm , caring and nurturing environment.


Marvin Park Primary have a highly competent and committed staff. As a staff, we are here to support all the learners attending Marvin Park Primary, by any means necessary, to ensure that they reach their fullest academic potential.  We look forward to working with you, our parents and the members of the community to provide a high-quality education that your kids deserve.

Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all of this to prepare our learners for the demands of the real-world so that they may become productive citizens, future leaders, and contribute and/or give back something positive to the community.


Marvin Park Primary offers an excellent academic program as prescribed by the National Education Department. We can also boast with a wide range of co-curricular activities, e.g. sport, ballet, drama etc . We are also actively involve in environmental issues and encourages recycling practices within the greater school community and beyond.


The parent body fully supports the school’s vision and contribute greatly towards the achievement thereof by being part of the active mission. We want to thank all the parents who support the school events generously and also a big thank you to those who build sound educational structures at home.Certain parents make even bigger contributions and sacrifices by serving on the School Governing Body.


School Spirit is strong at Marvin Park Primary and is not only shared among the learners, but also by the staff, parents and all organisations involve.





School Principal

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